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杨俊卿,吴芳辉,罗祥瑞,朱海威,余爱民 安徽工业大学化学与化工学院 
中文摘要:该文采用简单的两步反应合成了一种新型N-(2-羟基-5-氯苯)基罗丹明B酰肼(HCPRH)分子探针,并对其进行了结构表征及荧光性能研究。结果显示,在含HCPRH分子探针的N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)溶液中加入Zn2+,会使其荧光显著增强,可在365 nm紫外灯下肉眼观察到体系颜色迅速由无色变为亮黄色,表明该分子探针可用于Zn2+的快速、灵敏和裸眼识别,且其对Zn2+具有良好的识别选择性,其它金属离子几乎不干扰HCPRH探针对Zn2+的响应。采用Benesi-Hildebrand方程计算得HCPRH分子探针与Zn2+之间形成了稳定的配合物,以Job's法确定两者之间摩尔比为1∶1。根据荧光滴定的实验结果,发现HCPRH分子探针在512 nm处荧光发射峰强度变化值与Zn2+浓度在10~250 μmol/L之间呈良好的线性关系,对Zn2+的检出限达3.6 μmol/L,可用于其微量检测。另外,实验研究还表明该分子HCPRH探针可成功用于对Zn2+与S2-的连续荧光响应。
中文关键词:罗丹明  荧光分子探针  合成  Zn2+  S2-
Detection of Zinc Ion and Sulfion Using a Rhodamine B Hydrazide Fluorescent Probe Based on Sequential Response
Abstract:A novel molecular probe of N-(2-hydroxy-5-chlorophenyl) based rhodamine B hydrazide(HCPRH) was synthesized through a simple two-step reaction.Then its structure and fluorescence response were studied.Addition of Zn2+ into N,N-dimethylformamide(DMF) solution containing HCPRH resulted in increasement of fluorescence,while a fluorescent color change from colorless to yellow could be observed promptly with naked eyes under 365 nm ultraviolet lamp,indicating that the probe HCPRH could be used for rapid,sensitive and naked eye recognition of Zn2+.Moreover,the fluorescence emission of this probe toward Zn2+ was hardly affected by other metal ions.The binding constant between HCPRH and Zn2+ was calculated by Benesi-Hildebrand equation,and the 1∶1 binding mode was proposed based on the Job's method.In addition,according to the experimental results of fluorescence titration,the difference value of fluorescent intensity was proportional to Zn2+ concentration in the range of 10-250 μmol/L with a detection limit of 3.6 μmol/L.Results showed that HCPRH could be used in detection of trace amount of Zn2+.Subsequent experimental studies also showed that this molecular probe could be successfully applied in the continuous fluorescence response toward Zn2+ and S2-.
Key Words:rhodamine  fluorescence molecular probe  systhesis  zinc ion  sulfion
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