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朱狄峰,赵剑岚,洪雅雯,钱仁云,陈 超,平 丽 浙江大学药学院药物安全评价研究中心浙江杭州310058 
中文摘要:建立了超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱(UHPLC-MS/MS)测定吸入雾化装置中氯化乙酰甲胆碱气溶 胶药物浓度的方法。采用ACQUITY BEH C18(2. 1 mm × 100 mm,1. 7 μm)色谱柱,以0. 1%甲酸水和乙腈作为流 动相梯度洗脱,流速为0. 3 mL/min,进样量为5 μL,分析时间为5 min,柱温为40 ℃,多反应监测(MRM)正离 子模式测定。同时,对专属性、线性、仪器精密度、加标回收率、提取回收率和稳定性分别进行了考察。结果 表明,氯化乙酰甲胆碱在10~100 ng/mL质量浓度范围内线性良好(r > 0. 999),定量下限为10 ng/mL;氯化乙 酰甲胆碱雾化气溶胶的平均加标回收率为99. 2%,平均相对标准偏差(RSD)为0. 80%;雾化气溶胶的平均提取 回收率为95. 7%。在吸入暴露装置中雾化1 min后,气溶胶的平均药物浓度为608. 1 mg/m3 ,上、中、下位置的 RSD为1. 2%,表明雾化1 min氯化乙酰甲胆碱气溶胶浓度即达到均一。该方法灵敏度高,精密度好,适用于氯 化乙酰甲胆碱雾化气溶胶的浓度测定,也可为吸入制剂雾化气溶胶供试品分析提供参考。
中文关键词:超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法  氯化乙酰甲胆碱  雾化气溶胶  吸入制剂
Quantification of Aerosol Content of Metha? choline Chloride Powder by UHPLC-MS/ MS
Abstract:An ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric(UHPLC- MS/MS)method was established for the determination of aerosol content of methacholine chloride for inhalation solution. The sample was separated on an ACQUITY BEH C18(2. 1 mm × 100 mm, 1. 7 μm)column by gradient elution,using 0. 1% formic acid water and acetonitrile as the mobile phases with a flow rate of 0. 3 mL/min,an injection volume of 5 μL,an analysis time of 5 min and a column temperature of 40 ℃,and finally determined in multiple-reaction monitoring(MRM)mode. Meanwhile,the specificity,linearity,instrument precision,spiked recovery,extraction recovery and stability were investigated. Methacholine chloride was linear in the range of 10-100 ng/mL(r > 0. 999). The limit of quantitation was 10 ng/mL. The recovery for methacholine chloride in aerosols was 99. 2% with a relative standard deviation(RSD)of 0. 80%. The extraction efficiency for methacho? line chloride was 95. 7%. After atomizated for 1 min in the inhalation exposure device,the average content of methacholine chloride in the aerosols was 608. 1 mg/m3 . RSD of the upper,middle and low? er positions was 1. 2%. It indicated that the content of methacholine chloride in the aerosols was uni? form after 1 min atomization. The method is sensitive and precise,and is suitable for the determina? tion of aerosol content of methacholine chloride powder for inhalation solution,and it also could be used as a reference for the analysis of other aerosol samples for inhalation.
Key Words:ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry  ?methacholine chloride  ?atomization aerosol  ?inhalation
引用本文:朱狄峰,赵剑岚,洪雅雯,钱仁云,陈 超,平 丽.UHPLC-MS/MS法分析氯化乙酰甲胆碱雾化气溶胶浓度[J].分析测试学报,2021,40(8):1145-1150.
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