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张珍红,林勤保,景波,李烃 1. 暨南大学 包装工程研究所产品包装与物流广东普通高校重点实验室广东 珠海 519070 2. 拱北海关技术中心广东 珠海 519020 
中文摘要:为解决食品接触用纸中“异味”问题,保证食品接触用纸的安全,采用静态顶空/气相色谱-质谱联用法(SHS/GC-MS)结合谱库检索和保留指数(RI)对食品接触用纸中的挥发性气味物质进行定性,借助峰面积归一法进行半定量,并通过计算相对气味活性值(ROAV)鉴别构成纸张“异味”的主体气味物质。在所有纸样中共检测到119种化合物,鉴别出51种挥发性气味成分,包括醛类、酮类、醇类、烷烃类、芳香烃类、烯烃类、杂环类、酯类、醚类、羧酸类等10大类。结果表明,(E,E)-2,4-壬二烯醛、壬醛、癸醛、(E)-2-壬烯醛、2-正戊基呋喃、正十八烷和苯乙烯是食品接触用纸中关键的气味物质。该方法方便且高效,可为食品接触用纸行业的工艺改进、挥发性气味检测与分析提供技术支持。 关键词
中文关键词:食品接触用纸  静态顶空/气相色谱-质谱联用法  保留指数  挥发性气味物质  相对气味活性值  异味
Determination of Volatile Odorous Substances in Food Contact Paper by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Static Headspace and Their Contribution Discussion
Abstract:In order to solve the “odor” problem in food contact paper,ensuring the safety of food contact paper,a static headspace/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(SHS/GC-MS) combined with spectrum search and retention index was used for the identification of volatile odorous substances in food contact paper,and the semi-quantitation was carried out by means of peak area normalization method. Meanwhile,the main odorants that make up the paper's “peculiar smell” was identified by calculating the relative odor activity value(ROAV).Under three conditions of equilibrium temperature(80,100 and 120 ℃) and equilibrium time(20,30 and 40 min),120 ℃ and 30 min were optimally selected as static headspace conditions. A total of 119 volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds were detected in all paper samples, 106 of which could be identified by MS-DIAL software.According to the results of the odor library search,there are 51 volatile odor components in these paper samples,including 10 categories such as aldehydes,ketones,alcohols,alkanes,aromatic hydrocarbons,olefins,heterocyclics,esters,ethers and carboxylic acids.Among them,(E,E)-2,4-nonadienal(ROAVmin = 100),nonanal(ROAVmin = 18.16),decanal(ROAVmin = 30.77),(E)-2-nonenal(ROAVmin = 2.05), 2-pentylfuran(ROAVmin = 1.86), octadecane(ROAVmin = 1.06) and styrene (ROAVmin = 2.04) have minimum relative odor activity values above the level of key odor components. The results showed that (E,E)-2,4-nonadienal,nonanal,decanal,(E)-2-nonenal,2-pentylfuran,octadecane and styrene are the key odor compounds in food contact paper. Under the test conditions used in this research,the SHS/GC-MS method is convenient and efficient to determine the volatile organic compounds in food contact paper.In the production process of food contact paper,the contribution of key odorants could be reduced through the selection of raw materials and additives,so as to solve the problem of paper “odor”.The research results could provide a technical support for process improvement,volatile odor detection and analysis in the food contact paper industry,and lay a foundation for the optimization of food contact paper production processes in the future.
Key Words:food contact paper  static headspace/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry  retention index  volatile odorous substances  relative odor activity value  peculiar smell
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